Drum Mower 185Cm

موور185,تامین ماشین آلات کشاورزی,Drum Mower 185,Norouzi agricultural machinery ,Norouzi

This mower is capable of harvesting any fodders and pastures vegetation in short working time .

This mower is capable of harvesting any fodders and pastures vegetation in short working time .
Efficiency increased due to close space between plates and earth surface .
Fodders cut in a way that dehydration and gathering could be easily carried out .
Machine motivation power is supplied through the main shaft and movement of rotary blades cut the fodders.

Characteristics: 1- Roller bearing gearbox 2- Shaft 30 3- Adjustable disc

Model Working Lenght Width Lenght Height Weith Drums Numberof Blade Number of Greaser Plates Working adjustment

PTO Speed



CM185 185 147 332 114 425 2 6 8 2 3CM 540 Clutch

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